The Benefits of Membership – Recognition of Loyalty

What do Loyalty Members Want?
Loyalty members want VALUE from properties in exchange for their patronage, they want to be RECOGNIZED as different and special from other guests, AND they want REWARDS from giving us their business consistently over time.

This is where you, our properties, come in.
When we recognize and reward our valued members, we foster lasting relationships that build loyalty to our participating properties and brands.
The Recognition component assures the member that we appreciate them for choosing an I Prefer hotel, and we deliver consistent member benefits during each stay.
The Rewards component allows our members to earn points for every eligible stay booked at an I Prefer hotel.
When it comes to the specific rewards our members receive for being part of the program, this list shows just how much they get!

From a practicality standpoint, most of these rewards don’t cost you a lot, and all of them give the opportunity to continue to drive ancillary revenue into your property.
Silver Members
The base points for Silver Members is 10 points per $1 USD in reservations revenue.
Gold & Titanium Members

Our Gold and Titanium Members will receive a Welcome Amenity.
Creating thoughtful and memorable Welcome Amenities for members significantly enhances their experience and leaves a positive impression.
The earned points for Gold Members is 12 points per $1 USD in reservations revenue.

In addition to a Welcome Amenity, our top-tiered Titanium Members will receive a Food & Beverage offering.
The earned points for Titanium Members is 15 points per $1 USD in reservations revenue.
Food & Beverage
Your Food & Beverage offering should aim to drive the member to spend additional revenue in your restaurant or bar.